Selling Your Home? – Preparing For Viewers
When you’re looking to get your house on the market, it’s important to try and get your entire property looking as good as it can for any potential viewers. This includes a thorough deep cleaning procedure, although there are plenty of other things you should also consider when preparing your home for potential buyers. Remember that people might be interested in inspecting every corner of your home, including storage space and room size. Here’s a useful checklist to help your prepare your home in the right way and make a future sale all the more probable!
We all look to get rid of unnecessary clutter when carrying out a thorough household clean, although there might be same aspects of clutter that you don’t notice after a certain amount of time. Remember that you’re looking to make the most of your room space so that people can picture their own interior design features with ease. Temporary storage boxes are great for de-cluttering as you can instantly store them away neatly somewhere, such as in the loft or in the corner of a storage unit.
We’ve all got our preferences when it comes to interior design but sometimes having a dominant style can make it hard for people to picture their own design preferences when visiting your home. Buyers with a certain preference might also be put off by your own use of property space, but don’t take it personally. Simply look to depersonalise a bit so that there’s enough room for imagination. On the other hand, it’s essential that you take full advantage of your properties biggest selling points, whether it’s a beautiful fireplace or a stunning garden.
Deep Clean
A standard cleaning procedure isn’t enough. You should make a huge checklist of things that comply with a deep cleaning process, from tackling cobwebs to vacuuming upholstery and dealing with odours. Odours can be particularly off-putting, so try and combat the issue with air-fresheners a couple of weeks prior to the first visit. When vacuuming or dusting, make sure you’ve got every corner of your home covered, as problematic dirt marks and dust build up such as cobwebs can often go unseen.
Finish DIY Jobs You’ve Started
If you were fixing a floorboard or fixing a bath faucet and couldn’t find the time to get the job done, now’s the time to sort it all out. Viewers might be put off by the idea of moving somewhere that has jobs still to be done, as they will instantly realise that they’ll have work to do when they move in. Keeping everything in order and making sure any unfinished jobs are completed makes the property look fresh and ready for a new owner.