Helpful Cleaning Preparations for the Autumn & Winter

While we’ve been blessed with a reasonably mild introduction to autumn, there’s no doubting the fact that we’re likely to experience some pretty changeable weather over the coming weeks. The leaves have started to fall and the nights are getting colder, so it’s probably time to carry out one of the most important cleaning schedules of the year.

“Extreme Weather Can Bring Cleaning Schedules to a Standstill”


It’s essential that you’re preparing in the right way for what the British weather has to throw at us. We’ve seen some of the most extreme weather in decades over the last two years, with high wind speeds, problematic snow fall and flooding all becoming a regular experience during both the latest and earliest parts of the year.

It’s this type of weather that brings everything to a standstill, including house maintenance and cleaning jobs. So to make sure you’ve got everything done prior to the days getting shorter and the weather taking a turn for the worse, here’s a cleaning schedule to follow over the next couple of weeks:

Clean Windows

The summer can cause windows to get particularly dirty, so apply some cleaning solution along with a polish that will help to maintain a sparkly finish during the winter.

Clear/Clean Your Garden

If you’ve left toys, chairs, tables and other garden items out during the summer, now’s the time to store them away.

Check Storage Priorities

By this we mean analysing what it is that’s taking up storage. You won’t need ice pops in the freezer anymore for example. Take this time out to free up some room in preparation for storing warm duvets and thick woollen jumpers.

Clean Beds

Beds often require a specialist deep cleaning service every few years and there’s no better time to get started than just before the start of winter. Add layers and warmer bedding to suit the declining temperatures.

If you’re keen to get hold of some specialist cleaning tips or seek out the services of some of the best domestic and commercial cleaners in the South East, contact Apple Clean today.