6 ways to maintain a clean home every day

Maintaining a home can be very time-consuming – there are plenty of areas of a property that require cleaning, especially now we’re spending more time than ever before indoors. But the key to maintaining a clean home is to do smaller jobs on a regular basis, so that the house always looks tidy and stays under control. Here are four ways to keep each area of your home clean and tidy that won’t take up too much of your day, so you can focus on other tasks.
Rinse plates after each meal
Going to bed with dirty dishes sitting in the sink sets your following day off to a bad start. Plus, it’s all too easy to leave them to pile up with the intention of cleaning them later on, only to find yourself with a massive task on your hands. An easy way to avoid this problem is to rinse your dishes after each meal – it’s a task that will only take you five minutes if you’re doing it regularly, and it prevents an untidy kitchen which can quickly become one of the messiest areas of the home. You can also wash cooking utensils and any items you used while preparing meals while your food is cooking.
Enforce a “no shoes” policy to keep floors clean
Your floors are a haven for dust and dirt, but one way to keep carpets clean and to maintain the appearance for longer is to enforce a policy in your home that shoes should be taken off at the front door. Not only is this better for those with allergies, as we step through allergens on our shoes from outside, but it also prolongs the lifespan of your carpet and minimises how often you’ll need to vacuum up mud and dust that’s been walked in from outside.
Wipe down sinks and surfaces each day
At the end of each day, rinse the sinks, taps and surfaces in your kitchen and bathroom, and wipe them down with a cloth to keep them cleaner for longer. It’s a job that will only take a few minutes if you do it daily, but dirt and stains can build up if you leave them for longer, giving you a bigger cleaning task when you do get around to cleaning each room more thoroughly. Little and often is a great way of speeding up the process of cleaning your home and maintaining its appearance more efficiently.
Straighten blankets and sofa cushions
Plump up sofa cushions to put them back into shape and straighten out any blankets or throws you have on your furniture to protect them from stains and general wear and tear. Over time, sofas and armchairs can become worn and they can bring down the look of the room, so it’s beneficial to get into the habit of putting them back to their proper shape on a regular basis so that they continue to look great and stay comfortable.
Put items back where they belong
As you walk through your home during the day, if you spot something that is out of place, pick it up and put it back where it belongs. By doing this as and when you see items, you won’t have as big of a job to do when you’re doing the housework, especially if you’re already walking past them during the day.
Pick up clothes from the day
Pick up any clothes that are lying around the house and either put them in the laundry basket to be washed or hang them up for future wear. Piles of clothing can make your home look messier than it actually is and it also makes it difficult to know what you need to clean when it comes to doing the laundry. If you tackle the task at the end of each day, you’ll be better prepared when laundry day comes around and your home will look tidier.
Everyone’s schedule looks different, but with all of us busy each day, it can be hard to find the time to do a thorough clean-up of our home when balancing work and other commitments. Instead, tackling smaller jobs more regularly will keep your home in order, maintain its appearance and ensure that when you do put time aside to do the housework, there’s less to do.
Some jobs can be harder to deal with quickly, however, and that’s where we come in. Apple Clean offer a variety of cleaning services, from carpet cleaning and rug cleaning to stain removal and upholstery cleaning. Get in touch today to find out more about how we can help you.